Sunday 1/15/2023 Summary

First Reading: Isaiah 49:1-7

Here the servant, identified as Israel, speaks for herself and describes her honored mission. Called before her birth like Jeremiah and John the Baptist, the servant is not only to restore Israel. The servant’s ultimate assignment is to bring news of God’s victory to the ends of the earth. God in faithfulness has chosen Israel for this task.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Though God’s church in Corinth is a fractious congregation beset with many conflicts, Paul opens this letter by spotlighting the multiple ways God has enriched and sustained its life as part of the divine call into the fellowship of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Gospel: John 1:29-42

John the Baptist’s witness to Jesus initiates a chain of testimony as his disciples begin to share with others what they have found.


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