Sunday 11/12/2013 First Reading: Amos 5:18-24 In the days of Amos, people thought that the day of the LORD would […]
Sunday 11/5/2023 Summary First Reading: Revelation 7:9-17 The book of Revelation is written to seven churches in western Asia Minor […]
Sunday 10/29/2023 Summary FIRST READING:  Jeremiah 31:31-34 The renewed covenant will not be breakable, but like the old covenant it […]
Sunday 10/22/2023 Summary First Reading: Isaiah 45:1-7 The prophet announces that Cyrus the Persian emperor is the one the Lord has anointed […]
Sunday 10/15/2023 Summary First Reading: Isaiah 25:1-9 After a hymn of praise acknowledging God as a shelter for the poor, […]
Sunday 10/8/2023 Summary First Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7 The prophet sings a sad, parable-like love song about the relationship between God […]
Sunday 10/1/2023 Summary First Reading: Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32 Ezekiel challenges those who think they cannot change because of what their […]
Sunday 9/24/2023 Summary First Reading: Jonah 3:10–4:11 After Jonah’s short sermon in 3:4, the Ninevites all repented and God decided […]
Sunday 9/17/2023 Summary First Reading: Genesis 50:15-21 After Jacob’s death the brothers of Joseph begged for forgiveness for the crime […]
Sunday 9/10/2023 Summary First Reading: Ezekiel 33:7-11 God appointed Ezekiel as a sentinel for the house of Israel. Ezekiel must […]