Sunday 2/5/2023 Summary First Reading: Isaiah 58:1-9a [9b-12] Shortly after the return of Israel from exile in Babylon, the people […]
Exodus 2:1-10 NRSV Describes the birth and early life of Moses. His mother defies the order to kill Hebrew boys and […]
Sunday 1/22/2023 Summary First Reading: Isaiah 9:1-4 The northern tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali experienced the gloom of defeat by […]
Sunday 1/15/2023 Summary First Reading: Isaiah 49:1-7 Here the servant, identified as Israel, speaks for herself and describes her honored […]
Sunday 1/8/2023 Summary First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-9 God’s servant is endowed with God’s spirit in order to bring justice to […]
First Reading: Isaiah 63:7-9 God does not delegate divine intervention to a messenger or angel. God’s own presence brings salvation. […]
Sunday   12/25/2022      Summary First Reading: Isaiah 52:7-10 Isaiah proclaims news of great joy: “Your God reigns!” Just as […]
Saturday   12/24/2022    Summary First Reading: Isaiah 9:2-7 This poem promises deliverance from Assyrian oppression, a hope based on the […]
Sunday   12/25/2022     Summary First Reading: Isaiah 52:7-10 Isaiah proclaims news of great joy: “Your God reigns!” Just as God […]
Sunday   12/18/2022   Summary First Reading: Isaiah 7:10-16 An Israelite and Aramean military coalition presented a serious threat to King Ahaz […]