Worship, of course, is central to the life of Atonement and music is central to worship. The church has a fabulous pipe organ and we have recently added two new pianos to enhance our worship experience. We are blessed with three great musicians and vocal groups to help lead worship. We are always looking for new people to join our worship and music committee.

WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) is a monthly gathering of women for Bible study, fellowship, and support. They meet in the narthex at the church on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 12:30pm (Sept thru May). All are invited.

Education and Faith Formation are important in the life of Atonement. Sunday School for children during 10:00am Service and an Adult Forum for adults are offered each Sunday morning at 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall.(Sept – May).

The stewardship committee is tasked with the responsibility of providing a year-round program of stewardship education, including the care of global and personal resources; to invite members and friends of the congregation to support the ministry of the congregation with their time, talents, and treasures, and to encourage and facilitate planned giving to the congregation and the church at large.

Atonement seeks to be a welcoming, growing, and vibrant faith community. The Outreach and Hospitality Committee seeks to find ways to foster this kind of atmosphere in the congregation and to encourage members to reach out to others with the love of Christ.

Parish Life Committee
The mission of the Parish Life Committee is to tend to the care and enrichment of the members and friends of the congregation. They are involved in planning fellowship events like Sunday refreshments and the summer barbeques. Also give oversight to the Kitchen crew and the Health Ministry.

Health Ministry
Mission statement: “Ministering to all members of the congregation in a way which maximizes the quality of life through all stages of life.”
Atonement’s Health Ministry team works with our Parish Nurse Terri McCully, to educate about and advocate for healthy lifestyle choices among our members. They also give oversight to our Prayer Shawl Ministry. These shawls are made by members and friends of the congregation and are presented to people in physical, emotional, or spiritual distress.

Each Thursday at 8am, a group of men gather for breakfast and a preview of the coming Sunday’s gospel reading. Lively discussion, laughter, and good food make for a great time together. Currently the group is meeting at Pig and Pancake at 810 SW Alder St # A, Newport, OR 97365

Atonement is blessed to have a very beautiful facility and grounds and the role of the Property Committee is to maintain its beauty and to provide for its maintenance and safety.

The social ministry committee leads the congregation’s efforts to address the social and economic needs of people within the congregation and the community. They encourage congregational participation is such activities as Stone Soup, where we provide a monthly meal to homeless individuals and Randy’s Read and Feed, a ministry to homeless families.